Latest News
- Wagyu Pre-sale UpdateHello all! Our next steer goes in March 11, so it should be back right at the end of the month or very early April. Thank you to all thatRead More
- Next Steer – Late March!We’re accepting pre-orders for our next steer. He goes in March 11, so should be back and available by the end of the March. NY Strip Steaks and Flank SteaksRead More
- Happy New Years and Next SteerWe are planning an early March timeframe to take our next steer in for processing. That should make the beef available in late March or Early April. We are currentlyRead More
- Last Chance Before MarchWe’re wrapping up the last of our fall beef. You never know what gems are left from steer to steer. This time it is short ribs (5 packs left). ThereRead More
- Pre-Sale Update & AvailabilityWe still have Top Sirloin, Thick Short Ribs, 2 Chuckeyes, a few NY Strips and one London Broil left. And of course ground beef. We still have a few daysRead More
- Pre-Order Availability – UpdatedOur next cow goes in September 12 and should be back very early in October. Thanks to all our loyal customers who pre-ordered already. At the present time, we knowRead More
Our next beef is due back in early October! We are currently accepting pre-orders for it. The last steer sold out of many cuts quickly (some cuts before it got back!). At this time, only flank steaks are SOLD OUT. Let us know your desired cuts and weights and we will arrange the reservation. Also,Read…
We are Restocked!
As of July 3rd. Check Out our Inventory Page! Many Thanks to those who placed Pre-Orders, your orders are ready for pickup!
Steer In For Processing!
We took a steer in for processing today. It is expected back by the end of the month. This will be the only beef until late September and that will be our final for the year. NY Strips, skirt steak, flat iron steaks and ground beef are all pre-sold. Thank you loyal customers!!! 😄. WeRead…
Next Steer Coming Back Soon!
Our next Full Blood “Japanese” Wagyu goes in June 11th and will be back by the end of June. We are still accepting pre-orders! The NY Strips, Skirt Steaks and Ground Beef are all spoken for, and we are no longer accepting orders for Flat Iron Steaks until we get the beef back. We stillRead…
Worried about cooking your expensive steak? 😟 Have a Master Chef prepare it for you
Our Full Blood Wagyu Beef is the ultimate in steak. Genetically identical to Japanese Kobe, it is raised with care in Suches, GA. Stop worrying and let Vincent exquisitely prepare it for you! We’ve entered into an agreement with Vincent’s Coppertop Restaurant to prepare and plate any steak purchased from us for $20/plate. Experience theRead…
Restocked! Full Blood Wagyu
We are restocked with Full Blood Wagyu! Full Blood Wagyu means that it is 100% DNA Traceable to Kobe ancestors. This meat is exactly the same makeup as true Japanese Kobe. According the the American Wagyu Association, there are approximately 6,000 Full Blood Wagyu in the United States (versus 100,000,000 cattle)!! Check out our inventoryRead…
Skirt Steak!
While our Wagyu is known for succulent and savory steaks, it is a fantastic addition to make other dishes delicious! An example is the use of skirt steak to make a healthy and easy to prepare dish for your family – Beef Stir Fry. Cut the skirt steak perpendicular to the grain, lightly sear andRead…
About the Delmonico (and Inventory/Pricing List)
Ah, the Delmonico steak! Often underappreciated and misunderstood. The Delmonico (aka Chuck Eye Steak) is cut from the center of the chuck, just in front of the Rib Eye. Sometimes referred to as “The Poor Man’s Ribeye”, this steak has a reputation as being a little tougher than the ribeye. But this is not everydayRead…