Winter Arrives and New Additions

We had our first “snowfall“ this week at Georgia Mountain Wagyu. The calves have never experienced the snow and cold before, but didn’t seem to mind it. The younger calves were still “zooming” and playing, seemingly enjoying it much like children.

We are also working on expanding the herd and “keeping the pipeline full” for our valued customers. 5 new Full Blood Wagyu embryos were implanted in surrogate mothers sourced from our good neighbor, Brookshire Farms. They are also the owner of the snowy hillside from which they harvested the mature pines and are now preparing additional pasture. We look forward to seeing it green and dotted with cattle.

We expect that 3 or 4 of the embryos will “take” and result in new babies next September. Stay tuned for pregnancy announcements in late January or early February.