New Additions to the Herd!

It’s been an exciting month here at Georgia Mountain Wagyu! First the fall chicken litter (natural organic fertilizer) was applied to the pasture. Phew! We really welcome the rain after that and this summer we haven’t had to wait long.

Shortly after, it was time to wean the 4-month-olds. For a while now, we have made high protein grain available through a creep feeder (which allows access to the calves, but not their mothers – the mothers get their own ration of grain to aid in milk production). We first put a temporary plastic nose weaning ring at the same time they get their first vaccination. Then they remain at their mothers side, but are unable to get milk. A week later, we remove the rings and switch them to a pasture bordering their mothers (called fence line weaning). Another week and the surrogate mothers are sent back to their home, This weaning technique is the least stressful for the calves and mother alike as they remain close through the weaning process.

But the big news was our new babies. We welcomed 9 new calves to the herd, both pure and full blood Wagyu calves. All births were natural and resulted in healthy calves now playing in the pasture. Here are 4 of them:

They join the 5 weaned calves in the herd. We anticipate we will have beef for sale very late next year.